Monday, December 29, 2008

Home at last

We are home now and enjoying a little bit more room than our hospital room where we had constant help and constant monitoring.
The past 2 days we have watched some football and enjoyed looking at the babies.

Our first pediatric follow up was today and it went very well.  Both babies weighed in at 7lbs 4oz.  The Dr. wants them back at their birth weight at their two week check up - this doesn't seem to be tough to do as they have packed on 5oz in the last 2 days.  They both grew a half inch (if you can accurately measure a squirming baby).
We are no longer on the jaundice watch.  They are both eating and excreting healthy amounts and are very active so that appears to be behind us.
Mommy and Daddy both had some quality time with Laney T. last night as she wanted to see the sunrise.  We stood vigil from 3am for a few hours and just when the sun was going to come up, little Lane went down for about 3 hours.  Mom and Dad were happy to follow suit.

Thanks for all of the support, prayers, and help.
We'll be posting more photos to the slide show in the coming days.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Quick message from our Dad...

Our latest billirubin test came back and we are clear to head home. We
should check out around 3pm.
Mom and dad did not get a lot of sleep last night because we had to
feed the babies every two hours. Translation-we were in a constant
state of motion. The increased feeding allowed more of the Billirubin
to pass out of the system. Evidence of this came when I took off
Lane's diaper to change her and, with an already loaded diaper, she
shot butt coffee over a foot and painted the isolet- oh how cute
(unless you're the one who narrowly missed getting shot!!)

The nurses are watching the twins right now so we can get some rest.
Our current nurse, Annie, rocks. I think Leeana is going to be on the
lookout for a boy for her. She also buttered us up by saying we have
good communication and are a good team. That was nice to hear because
we are feeling quite tired and a bit on edge

Friday, December 26, 2008

Latest and Greatest...

Hey guys, we have decided to hang out with our homies at Mary Birch one more night. Nothing to worry about, just gonna make sure we don't start changing colors anytime soon:) Keep praying for our mom and dad, for strength, energy and stamina...and maybe a good sleep tonight before we head to the island:)

We get to go home!!! (hopefully)

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We did. We got lots of hugs and kisses from our mommy and daddy and all our friends and family. We also got names: Luke Stephen and Lane Watkins! Our hearing tests went well, so we can listen to Daddy grunting when he lifts weights and hear our Mommy singing to us:) Our parents are just waiting to see if we passed our jaundice b tests, and if we pass them we get to go to our new home at 3....YIPPPPEEEE!!! If you want to help feed our parents so we can stay healthy and strong please email

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve thoughts...

Merry Christmas Eve. Here you see us sleeping, something we are doing lots of, but our parents are not:) They got a two hour nap in this morning though, so they are rested and ready to open presents and watch some football with us! We are eating lots of yummy milk and going potty like big kids...Mom and Dad are doing good...just catching some zzzz's when they can!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

weigh in...

Boy 7 lbs 7oz 19 1/4 in
Girl 7 lbs 9 oz 18 3/4 in

They are thinking about naming us Mary and Joseph but we'll keep you posted:)

If you need exact sister may be bigger than me, but I'm a whole minute older than her!!!! What up? (4:18pm, 4:19pm)

they r here

It's Time!!!

Mom and Dad went in for a regularly scheduled stress test this morning and because my baby brothers amniotic fluid is low, they have scheduled our entrance into the world for 5-7pm tonight!!!! Everyone is healthy and looking no reason to panic!!! Pray for mom, she can't eat or drink anything until after we arrive!!!! We are so excited to meet all our friends and family...

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a .......nother dr.'s appointment

Ha ha we tricked you! We are still on the "inside" hanging out and rooting for the Chargers!!! Mom is still 2 centimeters and unless my sister gets her head in gear and changes positions it looks like our Dr. will definitely deliver us c-section!!! Keep praying for my mom as we keep growing and growing, she needs lots of rest and relaxation. We can't wait for Christmas and the chance to play with our niece and nephew, so keep praying we stay healthy!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tiny Tanks coming to you live from the "inside"

Fun Facts to keep you in the loop:
  • We are 38 weeks old in tummy years
  • Our dad called us the "tiny tanks" before they even knew we were twins!
  • We wont know our names until we breathe our first breath at Mary Birch Hospital
  • Unless we want to celebrate Christmas with our family, we have a C-section scheduled for December 29; 9:30am
  • The last time they put us on the tv, at the hospital, we each weighed around 6 and 1/2 pounds...yea Crossfit!
  • As of 12.18.08 our mom is dilated 2cm and is having intermittent contractions
Quotable Quotes from strangers (and not so strangers) to our mom:
  • "I've never seen a belly that big!"
  • "Are you going to have the babies right here in Costco?"
  • "I thought I was big. Then I saw you, and I feel so much better about myself"
  • Wow, you must be carrying twins!"
  • "How can you even walk?"

Family Photos