We survived our first "vacation" with the babies. As a good friend of mine accurately told me before we left, it's more of a relocation than a vacation. Though we packed our car full of every creature comfort we could manage, going on the road with twins is certainly an undertaking. Though we weren't able to ski or snow shoe (Steve did get some trout fishing in), we actually enjoyed being cabin bound with the babies and friends and family. We cooked good meals, worked on an impossible puzzle, went for walks in Squaw Village, and played by the fire Steve kept going. Oh, and of course, changed diapers!!!
Lane, Luke, and Annika Jung chillin' in their stripes!
Luke, Cousin Fynn, and Lane . . . Fynn is the only Tank cousin and he was wonderful with the babies, calling them "my cousin" and giving lots of hugs and kisses.
Another shot of Fynn with the babies. They loved cuddling with him.